Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Dinner

We went casual this year. We put out the fancy table setting for Thanksgiving so we just decided to go easy for this meal.
First up is my rib roast that was the most delicious thing I ever put in my mouth. I left it in the fridge just wrapped in cheese cloth like Guy says to do, for three days. I'd have left it longer but I didn't have it that long. It was black angus.
Then I took it out of the fridge to warm up to room temp before I cooked it.

Next is the made from scratch green bean casserole. We like our green beans more done that the cook books tell you, so these are done really nicely. Behind the gbc is the apple/pear and walnut salad. It was good yesterday but actually it's better today. It also has raisins in it. This one I got from Food TV too. Sunny Anderson.

Home made dinner rolls. Got the recipe off of all recipes. These are like the ones they used to make in school cafeterias. They don't look very brown, but they were cooked just right. I also made some french bread but for some reason it didn't rise enough.. funny too because I used from the same batch of yeast.

Fingerling potatoes and baby carrots. They were washed and then dried. After that I coated them with Hawaiian red sea salt, fresh black pepper, olive oil and a little butter. Now the purple potatoes are really pretty but they never seem to get as done as the white and red. Next time I'll cook the purple ones first and ten wait till they are are done before add all the oil. Maybe add some parsley and garlic.

Last is the giant Cooks ham. 18 pounds of ham. I cooked it from 12:30 am to around 8 am on between 175 to 275. My mom went in and turned it way down at one point.

So it gets cut up, sliced, chopped etc to put in the freezer for use later. That is the lid of my new stainless steel roaster.(two years old). We got it free after buying about 1000 dollars of groceries from Brookshires. But. I really like it.

I am going to post the recipes on my message board site Cooking Obsession Food Group